Coaching and bodywork for folks that give so much they often forget to give to themselves. I'm here to remind you that you do your best work, love most fully, and support others to the fullest, when you have support first. Giving yourself the gift of self-care is truly the most loving thing you can do for the world. Crazy, right? It took me awhile to learn this lesson but yowzers, let me tell you, my life completely shifted when I implemented this simple truth; you cannot pour from an empty cup. Cliche, yes, but cliches exist because they are so clearly accurate.

meet amy

Quarantine was a crazy time! In many ways the crazy continues as we re-open and look at ways to remain safe and sane. But there was time and space to grow that normal life kept most of us too busy for…My earth shattering discovery was I, Amy massage therapist and wellness coach, was being a […]